

Displaying 1201 - 1225 of 1304

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/06/15 The many facets of wisdom Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 9-6-15_PM_The_many_facets_of_wisdom.mp3
08/30/15 The church at antioch Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 8-30-15_am_church_at_antioch.mp3
08/23/15 Conversion Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 8-23-15_am_conversion.mp3
08/16/15 A study of grace contrasted Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM A_study_of_grace_contrast_8-16-15-am.mp3
08/16/15 Double minded Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM double_minded_8-16-15_pm.mp3
08/09/15 Christ the Shepherd Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 8-9-15_AM_Christ_the_Shepherd.mp3
08/09/15 The shepherds sheep Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 8-9-15_PM_The_shepherds_sheep.mp3
08/02/15 I'm scared of the dark Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM im_scared_of_the_dark_8-2-15am.mp3
08/02/15 The christians attitude toward revenge Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM the_christians_attitude_toward_revengepm.mp3
07/26/15 Blasphemous accusations by the scribes & Pharisees Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 7-26-15_AM_Blasphemous_accusations_by_the_scribes__Pharisees.mp3
07/19/15 The Bible pt 1 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 7-19-15_amThe_bible-_the_revelation_of_god.mp3
07/19/15 The Bible pt 2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 7-19-15_pmThe_bible_part_2.mp3
07/12/15 Exiles in a foreign land Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 7-12-15am_Exiles_in_a_foreign_land.mp3
07/12/15 The Christian's attitude towards the unknown Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 7-12-15_pm_the_christians_attitude_toward_the_unknown.mp3
07/05/15 Humanism pt 1 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 7-5-15_AM_Humanism_pt_1.mp3
07/05/15 Humanism pt 2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 7-5-15_PM_Humanism_pt_2.mp3
06/28/15 Does it make any difference? Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 6-28-15_AM_Does_it_make_any_difference.mp3
06/28/15 Soldiers of Christ Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 6-28-15_PM_Soldiers_of_christ_-_Caleb_Davis.mp3
06/21/15 The christian's attitude toward hypocrisy Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 6-21-15_PM_the_christians_attitude_toward_hypocrisy.mp3
06/21/15 Woe to Chorazin and Bethsaida! Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 6-21-15AM_Woe_to_Charizin_and_Bethsaide.mp3
06/14/15 Christian's attitude towards lying Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 6-14-15_AM_Christian_attitude_towards_lying.mp3
06/14/15 Isaiahs vision of the Lord Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 6-14-15_PM_Isaiahs_vision_of_the_Lord.mp3
06/07/15 There is a great day coming Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 6-7-15_pm_there_is_a_great_day_coming.mp3
06/07/15 Modesty Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 6-7-15am_modesty.mp3
05/31/15 Finding a place of refuge Steve Cook Sermon N/A Sun AM 5-31-15_AM_Fiding_a_place_of_refuge_-_Steve_Cook.mp3

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