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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/29/16 1 sam 15 Inv Billy Davis Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study 1_Sam._13-15_iw.pptx 06-29-16_Inv_Billy.mp3 06-29-16_1_Sam.mp3
06/26/16 colossians 3 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM colossians_3.mp3 Col._3_iw.pptx
06/26/16 The Spirit Works only through the Word in Conversion and Regeneration part 1 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 6-26-16_The_Spirit_Works_only_through_the_Word_in_Conversion_and_Regeneration.mp3 267_Spirit_converts_through_word_iw.pptx
06/26/16 The Spirit Works only through the Word in Conversion and Regeneration part 2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 6-26-16_The_Spirit_Works_only_through_the_Word_in_Conversion_and_Regeneration_part_2.mp3
06/22/16 1 sam 14 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study 1_sam_14_6-22-16.mp3
06/19/16 Colossians 2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 6-19-16_am_class_col_2.mp3
06/19/16 walking on water Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM walking_on_the_water.mp3 881_Walking_on_the_water_iw.pptx
06/19/16 walking on water Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM
06/19/16 who can enjoy God's hospitality Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 6-19-16_who_can_enjoy_Gods_hospitality.mp3
06/12/16 Feet that run rapidly to evil Billy Davis Sermon 7 Things that God Hates- Proverbs 6:17-19 Sun AM 6-12-16_AM_Feet_that_run_rapidly_to_evil.mp3 32_Feet_that_run_rapidly_to_evil_iw_short.pptx
06/12/16 The Family in Proverbs Parents and Children Billy Davis Sermon The family in Proverbs Sun PM 102_Parents_children_prov._iw.pptx 06-12-2016.mp3
06/05/16 col 2: 15-19 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 6-5-16_am_class_col_2._15-19.mp3
06/05/16 The worship of the church Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 6-5-16_the_worship_of_the_church.mp3 300_The_worship_of_the_church_iw.pptx
05/29/16 5-29-16 am class Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 5-29-16_am_class.mp3
05/29/16 If Jesus was preaching next sunday Randel conner Sermon N/A Sun AM if_Jesus_was_preaching_next_sunday.mp3
05/29/16 If Jesus was preaching next sunday Randel conner Sermon N/A Sun AM
05/29/16 Joshua Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM Joshua_PP.pptx 5-29-16_Joshua.mp3
05/22/16 Feeding of the 5,000 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM Feeding_of_the_5000.mp3
05/22/16 The ideal wife Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM The_ideal_wife.mp3 668_The_Ideal_wife_Proverbs_31_10-31_PP.pptx
05/18/16 1 Samuel + Inv Billy Davis Wednesday Bible Class N/A Wednesday Inv Inv_05-18-2016.mp3 1_Samuel_05-18-2016.mp3 1_Sam._7_8_PP.pptx
05/15/16 the church Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM the_church.mp3 158_The_church_PP.pptx
05/15/16 the husband and wife in Prov. Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 5-15-16_the_husband_and_wife_in_prov.mp3 233_Husband__wife_Prov_PP.pptx
05/11/16 The Ark of the Lord Billy Davis Wednesday Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study 1_Sam._1-7_iw.pptx 05-11-2016_The_Ark_of_the_Lord.mp3 05-11-2016_Adam.mp3
05/08/16 Seven things God hates (4) A heart that devises wicked plans Billy Davis Sermon 7 Things that God Hates- Proverbs 6:17-19 Sun AM 5-8-16_am.mp3 618_Devises_wicked_plans_iw_part_1.pptx
05/08/16 Seven things God hates (4) A heart that devises wicked plans part 2 Billy Davis Sermon 7 Things that God Hates- Proverbs 6:17-19 Sun PM 618_Devises_wicked_plans_iw_part_2.pptx 5-8-16_pm.mp3

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