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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/24/23 The day Jesus was begotten (Psalms 2:7) Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM
12/17/23 What does the Bible teach about heaven Billy Davis Sermon What the Bible teaches about: Sun AM
12/17/23 Philip the apostle Billy Davis Sermon The apostles Sun AM
12/10/23 The promise and the Law part 2 Billy Davis Sermon From the beginning to the day of eternity Sun AM
12/10/23 Future persecution, victory with the Spirit Jn. 16:1-15 Billy Davis Sermon The Life of Christ Sun AM
12/03/23 Optimism - hopefulness Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM
12/03/23 The promise and the Law part 1 Billy Davis Sermon From the beginning to the day of eternity Sun AM
11/19/23 First and second commandments Billy Davis Sermon Do's and Don'ts for the disciple Sun AM
11/19/23 Posthumous influence Billy Davis Sermon Christian influence Sun AM
11/12/23 The Disciples' relationship to the world John 15:18-27 Billy Davis Sermon The Life of Christ Sun AM
11/12/23 James, the Lord's brother Billy Davis Sermon The apostles Sun AM
11/05/23 The promise part 2: the seed of David Billy Davis Sermon From the beginning to the day of eternity Sun AM
11/05/23 What does the Bible teach about hell Billy Davis Sermon What the Bible teaches about: Sun AM
10/29/23 The promise part 1 - promised seed in Genesis Billy Davis Sermon From the beginning to the day of eternity Sun AM
10/22/23 Abraham, the friend of God Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM
10/22/23 Do pray: duty and privilege Billy Davis Sermon Do's and Don'ts for the disciple Sun AM
10/15/23 Judas Iscariot - the Apostle that became a traitor Billy Davis Sermon The apostles Sun AM
10/15/23 Influence to strengthen Billy Davis Sermon Christian influence Sun AM
10/08/23 Beginnings Genesis 1-3 part 2 origin of sin, sins consequences and redemption Billy Davis Sermon From the beginning to the day of eternity Sun AM
10/08/23 The life of Jesus' chosen people John 15:11-17 Billy Davis Sermon The Life of Christ Sun AM
10/01/23 The power of saying, "No" Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM
10/01/23 Beginnings Genesis 1-3 Part 1: creation, man, the home Billy Davis Sermon From the beginning to the day of eternity Sun AM
09/24/23 What does the Bible teach about the judgment Billy Davis Sermon What the Bible teaches about: Sun AM
09/24/23 Do study God word Billy Davis Sermon Do's and Don'ts for the disciple Sun AM
09/17/23 Use your influence to save souls Billy Davis Sermon Christian influence Sun AM

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