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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/25/17 2 peter 2:9 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 2_Peter_2_PP-1498406159.pptx 2_peter_2_9_6-25-17.mp3
06/25/17 Journey to Jerusalem Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM Journey_to_jerusalem_6-25-17_am.mp3 864_Journey_to_Jerusalem_PP.pptx
06/25/17 Who is wise and understanding? Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 550_Who_is_the_wise_PP.pptx 06252017_Who_is_wise_and_understanding.mp3
06/25/17 Who is wise and understanding? Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM
06/21/17 1 Kings 12-13 + Adam Inv Billy Davis Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study 1_Kings_12-13_PP.pptx 1_Kings_12-13.mp3 06212017.mp3
06/18/17 Overcoming Judging & Faultfinding Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 591_overcoming_fault-finding_PP.pptx Overcoming_Judging__Faultfinding_part_1.mp3
06/18/17 Overcoming Judging & Faultfinding Part 2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM Overcoming_Judging__Faultfinding_Part_2.mp3 591_overcoming_fault-finding_PP-1497826005.pptx
06/14/17 VIII. Solomon's Transgression & Troubles II:1-43 Billy Davis Wednesday Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study VIII._Solomons_Transgression__Troubles.mp3 1_Kings_11-13_PP.pptx 06142017.mp3
06/11/17 2 peter 2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 2_Peter_2_PP-1497196181.pptx 2_peter_2.mp3
06/11/17 "What Is That In Your Hand?" Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM What_Is_That_In_Your_Hand.mp3 640_What_is_in_your_hand_PP.pptx
06/11/17 Calling On the Name of Lord Billy Davis Sermon The Christian's Attitude Sun PM 6-11-2017_pm.mp3 363_Attitude_toward_calling_on_the_name_PP.pptx
06/04/17 2 peter 2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 2_Peter_2_PP.pptx 2_peter__2.mp3
06/04/17 Ready to Understand the Bible Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM Ready_to_Understand_the_Bible.mp3 302_Ready_to_understand_PP.pptx
06/04/17 God's Control Over His Universe Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM Gods_Control_Over_His_Universe.mp3 155_Providence_-_Universe_PP.pptx
05/31/17 1 Kings 9 wed Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 1_Kings_9_wed.mp3 1_Kings_9_10-11_43_PP-1496278743.pptx
05/28/17 1 peter 1:17 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun Bible Study 2_Peter_1_PP-1495986956.pptx 2_peter_1_17.mp3
05/28/17 Sin & forgiveness between brethren Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 5-28-17_am_forgiveness.mp3 147_Sin__forgiveness_between_brethren_PP.pptx
05/28/17 God's Control Over His Universe Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 155_Providence_-_Universe_PP.pptx 05282017.mp3
05/24/17 1 Kings 9 Billy Davis Wednesday Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study 05242017.mp3 1_Kings_9_10-11_43_PP.pptx 1_Kings_9.mp3 Jonah.pptx
05/21/17 2 peter Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 2_peter.mp3 2_Peter_1_PP-1495381879.pptx
05/21/17 overcoming Ingratitude Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM overcoming_Ingratitude.mp3 553_Overcoming_ingratitude_PP.pptx
05/21/17 overcoming Ingratitude Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM overcoming_Ingratitude-1495407512.mp3 553_Overcoming_ingratitude_PP-1495407511.pptx
05/17/17 Communication with God 8:1-9:9 Billy Davis Wednesday Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study Communication_with_God.mp3 1_Kings_8_Solomons_theology_PP.pptx 1_kings_89_9_PP.pptx 05172017.mp3
05/14/17 2 peter 1 10-13 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 2_peter_1_10-13_14may17.mp3 2_Peter_1_PP-1494777056.pptx
05/14/17 Where are you Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM Where_are_you_14_may_17.mp3 195_Where_are_you_PP.pptx

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