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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/27/17 Overcoming Doubt, Disbelief & Distrust part 3 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 8-27-17_pm.mp3 431_Overcoming_doubt_PP-1503874109.pptx
08/23/17 1 Kings 19 and Conversion of Lydia Billy Davis Wednesday Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study Conversion_of_Lydia.mp3 Conversion_of_Lydia_Acts_16_13-15_PP.pptx 8-23-17_1_Kings_19.mp3 1_Kings_19_PP.pptx
08/20/17 2nd Peter Chapter 3 Bible Study 8/20/2017 Billy Davis Sunday Morning Bible Study N/A Sun Bible Study 08202017am_Bible_Study_2nd_Peter_Chapter_3.mp3
08/20/17 Overcoming Doubt, Disbelief & Distrust Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 431_Overcoming_doubt_PP.pptx 08202017_Overcoming_Doubt_Disbelief__Distrust.mp3
08/20/17 Overcoming Doubt, Disbelief & Distrust part 2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 8-20-17_PM_Part_2.mp3
08/16/17 Yahweh VS. Baal Billy Davis Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study IV_Yahweh_VS._Ball.mp3 1_Kings_17_PP.pptx
08/13/17 Giving to Build the Tabernacle and Building Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 19_Giving_to_build_the_tabernacle__building_PP.pptx 08132017_Giving_to_build_the_tabernacle_and_the_church.mp3
08/13/17 Providence: The Development of the Old Testament Kingdom Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 155_Providence_-_development_of_O.T._kingdom_PP.pptx 08132017_part_2.mp3
08/09/17 1 Kings 15 & 16 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study 1_Kings_15.mp3 1_Kings_14_15_PP.pptx
08/06/17 At The Feast Of Tabernacles Billy Davis Sermon The Life of Christ Sun AM 864_At_the_feast_of_Tabernacles_pp.pptx 08062017_At_The_Feast_of_Tabernacles.mp3
08/06/17 At The Feast Of Tabernacles Part 2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 864_At_the_feast_of_Tabernacles_pp-1502060593.pptx 08062017_At_The_Feast_of_Tabernacles_Part_2.mp3
07/30/17 Bible Authority For A Church Building Billy Davis Sermon Bible Authority Sun AM 231_Bible_authority_for_a_church_building_PP.pptx Bible_Authority_for_a_Church_Building.mp3
07/30/17 The Faith vs. the cults PT. 3 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Faith_VS_The_Cult_Part_3.mp3 573_The_Faith_vs._the_cults_PP_3.pptx
07/26/17 1 Kings 15 & 16 Billy Davis Wednesday Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study 1_Kings_15_16_PP.pptx 1_Kings_15__16.mp3 07-26-2017.mp3
07/23/17 2 peter 2:18 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 2_Peter_2_PP.pptx 2_peter_2_18_7-23-17.mp3
07/23/17 The Faith vs. the cults Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Faith_vs._the_cults_part_1_23_july_17.mp3 573_The_Faith_vs._the_cults_PP_1.pptx
07/23/17 The Faith vs. the cults PT.2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 7-23-17_pm_the_faith_vs_the_cults.mp3 573_The_Faith_vs._the_cults_PP_2.pptx
07/19/17 The Kingdoms in Confrontation and Cooperation Billy Davis Wednesday Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study The_Story_of_Jesus_the_Cross_and.pptx 1_Kings_14_15_PP.pptx
07/16/17 Overcoming discontentment Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 789_Overcoming_discontentment_PP.pptx 07162017_Overcoming_Discontentment.mp3
07/16/17 overcoming Contentment Part 2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM 789_Overcoming_discontentment_PP-1500245550.pptx Overcoming_Discontentment_Part_2.mp3
07/12/17 Jeroboam and The Prophets 13:1—14:20 Billy Davis Wednesday Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study Jeroboam_and_The_Prophets.mp3 1_Kings_13_14_PP.pptx 07-12-2017.mp3
07/09/17 Digging Deep Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 7-9-17_Digging_Deep.mp3 598_Digging_deep_Lk._6_46-49_PP.pptx
07/09/17 The Evidence of Pardon Billy Davis Sermon The Christian's Attitude Sun PM The_Christians_attitude_toward_the_evidence_of_Pardon_9_july_17.mp3 74_Attitude_toward_evidence_of_pardon_PP.pptx
07/02/17 Service and Serving Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM 07022017_Service_and_Serving.mp3 Service_and_serving_Caleb_Davis.pptx
07/02/17 Christian's Assurance Steve Cook Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Christians_Assurance.pptx 07022017_The_Christians_Assurance.mp3

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