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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/11/18 Areas Where We Need To Exercise Patience Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM Areas_Where_We_Need_To_Exercise_Patience.mp3 670_Overcoming_impatience_PP-1520808701.pptx
03/07/18 Stiff-Necked Adam Locke Billy Davis Sermon N/A Wednesday Inv Stiff-Necked_Adam_Locke.mp3
03/04/18 Philippians 4 Billy Davis Sunday Morning Bible Study N/A Sun AM Philippians__4.mp3 Phil._4_PP.pptx
03/04/18 The Kingdom or Church Was Established Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Kingdom_or_Church_Was_Established.mp3 60_Church_Established_PP.pptx
03/04/18 Jesus Reigns over the Kingdoms of Men Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM Jesus_Reigns_over_the_Kingdoms_of_Men.mp3 155_Jesus_reign_over_the_nations_PP.pptx
02/28/18 Repopulation of Samaria 17:24-41 Billy Davis Wednesday Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study Repopulation_of_Samaria_17_24-41.mp3 2_K_18-20_21_PP.pptx 02282018.mp3
02/25/18 Philippians 4 Billy Davis Sunday Morning Bible Study N/A Sun AM Philippians_4_2-25-18.mp3 Phil._4_PP-1519577487.pptx
02/25/18 the good shepherd Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM THE_GOOD_SHEPHERD.mp3 679_The_good_shepherd_Jn._10_1-21_PP.pptx
02/25/18 Teaching the Gospel Steve Cook Sermon N/A Sun PM steve_22518.pptx 2-25-18_pm.mp3
02/18/18 Philippians 4_8 Part2 Billy Davis Sunday Morning Bible Study N/A Sun AM Philippians_4-8_Part_2.mp3 Phil._4_iw.pptx
02/18/18 Sin & Its Consequences Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM Sin__Its_Consequences.mp3 671_Open_Bible_2_Sin__consequences_PP.pptx
02/18/18 Veneration of Saints, Images & Relics Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM Veneration_of_Saints_Images__Relics.mp3 37_Worship_of_saints__relics_PP.pptx
02/14/18 2 King 16,17 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study 2_King_1617.mp3 Virgin_Birth_of_Christ.mp3 2_K_15_817_41_PP.pptx
02/11/18 Philippians 4:8 Billy Davis Sunday Morning Bible Study N/A Sun AM Philippians_4-8.mp3 Phil._4_PP.pptx
02/11/18 Overcoming Discouragement Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM Overcoming_Discouragement.mp3 405_Overcoming_discouragement_PP.pptx
02/11/18 Overcoming Discouragement Part 2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM Overcoming_Discouragement_Part_2.mp3 405_Overcoming_discouragement_PP-1518393241.pptx
02/07/18 Blessed Are The Gentle Billy Davis Sermon N/A Wednesday Inv Blessed_are_the_gentle_iw_copy.pptx 2-7-18_pm_inv.mp3
02/04/18 Unknown God Caleb White Sermon N/A Sun AM Unknown_God_White21.docx 3-30-14_Unknown_God_.pptx
01/31/18 The Great Assyrian Conqueror Billy Davis Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study Journey_Wednesday_Evening_Exhortation_Slides_Journey_The_31_jan_2018.pptx 01312018.mp3 2_K_15_817_41_PP.pptx The_Great_Assyrian_Conqueror.mp3
01/28/18 Philippians 4 Billy Davis Sunday Morning Bible Study N/A Sun AM Philippians_4-1517158312.mp3 Phil._4_PP-1517158311.pptx
01/28/18 The Bible - The Book Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Bible_-_The_Book.mp3 162_The_Bible_-_the_book_PP.pptx
01/28/18 The Bible - The Book Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM
01/28/18 The Bible - The Book pt2 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun PM The_Bible_-_The_Book_pt2.mp3 162_The_Bible_-_the_book_PP-1517183901.pptx
01/24/18 2 K 13 10?15 7 PP Billy Davis Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study 2__K_13_1015_7_PP.pptx 2_K_13_10_15_7.mp3 01242018.mp3
01/21/18 Phili 4 Billy Davis Sunday Morning Bible Study N/A Sun AM Phil._4_PP.pptx Philippians_4.mp3

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