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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/17/21 It is better in heaven Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM
01/17/21 Christian age #3 Blessing within the kingdom or church Billy Davis Sermon Bible Overview Sun PM
01/13/21 Matthew 5:6-12 Beatitudes continued Billy Davis Class N/A Wed Bible Study
01/10/21 Coming of the Spirit & the kingdom Billy Davis Sermon Bible Overview Sun PM
01/06/21 Matthew 5:1-5 Billy Davis Class N/A Wed Bible Study
12/27/20 Bartimaeus Healed Billy Davis Sermon The Life of Christ Sun AM
12/27/20 The Christian Age #1 Coming kingdom, Resurrection of Christ Billy Davis Sermon Bible Overview Sun PM
12/23/20 Matthew 4:12-25 Billy Davis Class N/A Wed Bible Study
12/20/20 Walking by faith & not by sight Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM
12/20/20 Ministry of Jesus - Mosaic age #28 Billy Davis Sermon Bible Overview Sun PM
12/13/20 Jesus' birth and youth Matt. 1, 2; Lk. 1, 2 Billy Davis Sermon Bible Overview Sun PM
12/09/20 Matthew 3:13-17 Jesus Baptized Billy Davis Class N/A Wed Bible Study
12/06/20 Precious things in Peter's letters Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM
12/06/20 Messianic prophecies in Isaiah part 3 Isa. 53, 61 Billy Davis Sermon Bible Overview Sun PM
11/22/20 Messianic prophecies in Isaiah part 2 Isa. 42, 49, 50 Billy Davis Sermon Bible Overview Sun PM
11/22/20 Jesus foretelling His Passion & rebuking self-ambition Billy Davis Sermon The Life of Christ Sun AM
11/18/20 Visit of the Magi Matt. 2:1-12 Billy Davis Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study
11/15/20 Messianic prophecies in Isaiah part 1 Billy Davis Sermon Bible Overview Sun PM
11/11/20 Announcement and birth of Jesus Matt. 1:18-25 Billy Davis Wednesday Bible Class N/A Wed Bible Study
11/08/20 Period of return & restoration: Ezra, Esther, Nehemiah Billy Davis Sermon Bible Overview Sun PM
11/08/20 The church: pillar & support of gospel truth Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM
11/01/20 What must one do to be saved? Billy Davis Sermon N/A Sun AM
10/31/20 Babylonian captivity Billy Davis Sermon Bible Overview Sun PM
10/25/20 Laborers in the vineyard (the good employer) Billy Davis Sermon The Life of Christ Sun AM
10/25/20 Kingdom of Judah alone to the Babylonian Captivity Billy Davis Sermon Bible Overview Sun PM

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